Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sleuth - The Floor

So the floor for Sleuth, was as you could guess, a planked wood floor!  We attacked this floor in a similar manner as the Musicals floor.  A main difference with the Sleuth floor was the boards went back slightly in forced perspective.  So after figuring out our vanishing point and whatnot we were able to lay out points for the bottom edge of the floor as well as the upstage side for our lining.  

The first step was a directional wet blend, as seen below.  

Next step was a spatter and drag to give the floor more dimension and layers.

After, an all over glaze was done.  This helped to nicely blend everything together.   The lining was then laid out and painted.

Once the lining was completed a second spray and all over wash was done to set the lining back in with the rest of the floor  as well as to add richness.  The last step was a seal coat using Future floor wax.

I really like the way this floor turned out.  It had a nice richness on stage with the set and under the lighting.

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