Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Musical of Musicals: The floor

So by now the first show has been well underway and we have been furiously working on the massive set for Sleuth.  I realize however, that I've neglected to show the floor for Musical of Musicals.

It was a fairly simple treatment - a loose, blendy planked floor.  Lining this floor was certainly an interesting experience since the shop floor is so uneven the maso had a tendency to warp creating uneven seems.  This became a bit frustrating because the paint liked to pool in these seems.

At any rate, it turned out pretty nice.  Our process included basing out the maso in a light tan color and then working a raw sienna and burnt umber color together in a directional wet blend.  Next we worked on the crazy amount of lining for the planks.  After we did an all over glaze that had a bit of a burnt sienna tint to it.  This really helped to pull all the colors together and set the lining back in with the rest of the floor.  The last step was a seal of Future floor wax to help keep down all the scuff marks from the dancing.

More to come on Sleuth in a few days. The show opens on Monday so it is going to be a hectic weekend!

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